You know that a web presence is practically mandatory in the insurance industry, but as an individual agent you don’t really have the time or technical know-how to build your own website. So you might be tempted to outsource the job, either to a company that doesn’t understand Medicare and your target demographic, or to a specialist who charges an arm and a leg to do the job right. Neither of these options feel like the right choice, and for good reason!
Yes, as an insurance broker specializing in Medicare, you definitely need a website. And you need it to be geared toward your specific audience, designed to capture leads, and updated regularly to provide ongoing content to educate your clients.
Luckily, you can have all of that without breaking the bank. And you can avoid those cheap cookie-cutter websites that don’t really suit your needs. A turnkey website is available to you, at a reasonable cost, because there are web designers who specialize in this exact type of content!
When you work with a team that specializes in Medicare websites for agents, you receive…
1. A website geared toward your exact industry. You don’t need to explain your needs over and over to various web designers, graphic artists, content writers, and so on, because the team already understands exactly what you need. They do it all the time!
2. Fast setup. A team that specializes in Medicare websites can have you online in a matter of days, rather than the weeks or months required when you start from scratch.
3. Significant monetary savings. A team that regularly produces turnkey Medicare websites already knows what you need, and have content readily available to publish. The savings on time, research, and communication translate into monetary savings for you.
4. A customized website. “Turnkey” doesn’t mean generic! Your website creation team can personalize your website with everything you need, from quality content to an eye-catching color scheme.
5. An integrated marketing strategy. A website is a good start, but you’ll receive so much more from your turnkey service. Additional support will be available to help you manage your website, create ongoing content, and consistently keep you in front of your clients and prospects. You can even use your Medicare website to market your seminars and events!
6. Compliance with insurance industry standards. As a licensed agent that sells Medicare, you know that numerous regulations exist that prevent you from publishing just anything and everything on the internet! A turnkey service that specializes in Medicare websites understands all of these regulations, so you don’t have to worry about compliance issues.
You already know that affordable, effective website design solutions are hard to come by. Whether through your FMO or a website designer, nothing has seemed to fit just right… Until now!
Contact us to learn more about how our team produces Medicare-specific websites. We can get you up and running online and generating educational content regularly, all at a price you can afford and within a time frame that will amaze you.